Mescalito is a bold, ultra-condensed display sans-serif font with geometric shapes. Perfect for striking headlines and posters, It combines retro charm with modern versatility, sporting unusual mix of some lowercase looking uppercase letters. Supports Latin & Cyrillic scrips. Free for personal use.

Mescalito is distributed under The SIL Open Font License (OFL) and is completely free for personal and non-commercial use. Please contact me for commercial use, or buy it.


Mescalito otf [67kb] 755 glyphs, version 1.028

Mescalito zip [1mb] Contains OTF, WOFF2, license, info and few images

Try It Out

I gaze at the shimmering sand before me—es un mar dorado, spreading endlessly under a scorching sun. Fłyż módny bąk ćwirnął: «Příšerně žluťoučký kůň úpěl ďábelské ódy, chargé d’élan, gråt å ren, vægtskål, fjørd, & niñez déjà-vu!» Ўщербный Ђоко, їдя біґус з Євробачення, гримів: «Чуткий Фехтмайстер Захар в “Қарлығаш” пісні бачив Ґоблін, що зчепив Іглу з Шъом; Ә, Ғ, Ө, Ү, Ұ, Һ, Ң, Ћ, Џ доказали Місяцю: “Я звертаюся на Ы, а ти поклич Е, Й, Ю, Я!”» 1234567890!?