Not that long ago the implementation of fonts and encoding in various programs for MS Windows was done differently. Because of that many Russian fonts did not work correctly. Basically problem came down to this dilemma: Some fonts worked only in Microsoft programs like Word and did not in Adobe Photoshop. There were several workarounds. One could play with registry settings for default codepage font setting or use different fonts in different programs. I find this very inconvenient and inflexible.
To resolve this situation I created a special TTF font — Verdimka.

These days if you use a modern system it is not needed anymore, but who knows, maybe the problem will come back.

Verdimka is very very similar to Verdana, that is widely used on the internet. However it would display correctly all Cyrillic characters both in MS Word and in Adobe Photoshop. Vast majority of the other programs would work too. Basic Latin characters should display as normal.


You can download it free. contains four ttf files: Regular, Bold, Italic and Bold Italic. [330 kb]
Unzip and copy them to system fonts folder. You'd have to restart open applications to be able to use it.